The City Council Members are working diligently to develop policies and procedures that benefit the City of Tatum and improve our community.

Mayor: Michael Henry
Mayor Pro-Tem: Tate Smith
Alderman: Greggory Cole
Alderman: Robin Palmer
Alderman: Wendell Moore
Alderman: J.R. Smith

Tatum City Council meets monthly on the 2nd Monday of each month, 5:30 p.m. at Tatum City Hall. The meetings are open to the public and citizens are encourged to attend. The City Council values the input of our community. Any person wishing to address the Council would need to contact the City Secretary's office before noon the Wednesday prior to the meeting at 903-803-3580. 

For more information regarding Tatum’s administration, council members and meetings, visit our City Hall located at 680 N. Crystal Farms Rd. in Tatum, Texas.